When many hands gather in the one space, you know something special will result. Such is the case with Moora’s Gardiner Street Arts Collective Community Garden.

A team of willing volunteers, gardening gurus and the Yued Works Crew have come together to create a productive, sustainable, and Carnaby-friendly community garden.

The dream of having community members of all ages and backgrounds working together for the collective vision of a community has come to fruition, with thanks to the key drivers of the project Cindi Brassington, Tracy Humphry and Louise House.

Following on from a hugely successful Wicking Workshop with Ross Adams; Donna Tierny, Sheryl Bryan, Lyn Hamilton, Michael and Tracy Humphry and Dave McDonald had a great morning in the garden with citrus trees planted and the area cleaned up ready for the next stage.

This brings the garden’s plantings to six wicking beds, four citrus trees and two pods of native plants. Enter Rachel Walmsley from the Moore Catchment Council and the Yued Works Crew. Utilising seeds collected from our area; the Crew planted out two beds with native seedlings whose seeds are an important part of the Carnaby Cockatoo’s diet.

The Community Garden is deliberately a slow process, welcoming all people from the community to contribute their skills, time, seedlings, passion and materials where they can. Just about everything in the garden is recycled, from the IBS containers donated by local farmers, through to the old log that has been cut into perfectly little seats. Everyone is welcome in Garden, accessible via the laneway to the side of the Gardiner Street Arts Collective.

This article first appeared in Northern Valley News