Happy New Year to you all! 2022 brings with it the promise of hope, creativity, generosity of spirit and the beginning of new adventures! Here at your Collective, we will continue to joyfully celebrate intergenerational and cultural understanding. We will continue to create connections through engagement with our community. We cannot wait!
But first! We must rest. We must recharge and we must give ourselves the time to reset. During these first weeks of 2022, you will find us plotting, planning, and connecting to make our collective open, innovative, inclusive, and exciting.
If our annual Art Exhibition is anything to go by, the need to showcase the talent in our region is abundantly clear. The visitor numbers through the Collective’s exhibition were affirmation, as was the sale of artwork! In her debut exhibition, Yamtji Wajarri artist Natasha Parker had great success with the sale of her works and inquiries from visitors regarding future exhibitions.
Art is not just a feel-good intangible. The economic opportunities that come with a successful exhibition provide our local artists with the finances and confidence to continue creating, to continue their creative journey.
For now, it’s time to enjoy sunshine, saltwater and family. Take care of yourself and loved ones.
Keep Creating
Ny x

Local artists were delighted to be showcased at the Gardiner Street Arts Collective’s second Community Art Exhibition throughout December. Visitor numbers through the Collective’s gallery space numbered in the hundreds, with nearly all works selling to admiring art collectors.
Our garden is growing along wonderfully, despite the searing heat! Head Gardiner Street Gardener, Cindi Brassington, is thrilled with the shade covers protecting the plants form the harsh summer sun. “We have baby tomatoes, cucumbers and the corn are flowering away”, Ms Brassington said. The garden is always open to community members, just pop out to give it some water, and collect yourself some fresh fruit and vegetables for your family.
Headlining the GSAC calendar for the first part of 2022 is a fantastic skills-based leadership workshop. Regional Arts WA in partnership with Gardiner Street Arts Collective are holding a dynamic, career developing, two-day Creative Leadership Program, in Moora on 29 and 30 March 2022.
Designed for organisations, community leaders, local governments, teachers, artists and creative thinkers in the Wheatbelt Region, this intensive leadership program will give participants the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to build and strengthen creative leadership skills.
Led by Dr Shona Erskine, a registered psychologist the program has been designed to help facilitate a culture of self-led leadership, collaborative leadership and community-led contribution, to specifically nurture the growth of leaders in regional WA. Please head to the GSAC website or social media sites for more information.